Rev. Rubén Rivera-Martinez is a native of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Previously serving as pastor of Flanders United Methodist Church in Long Island, Pastor Rubén was appointed to Cornerstone Community Church July 1, 2022.
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Cornerstone Community Church Vision and Mission statements

Our vision is to be a space open to all persons to experience God’s grace and love, and to share that love with others, through acceptance, service, and witness, as followers of Jesus Christ.
Cornerstone Community Church’s mission is to build community, where every person can belong; serve God and all, with our gifts, talents, and time; and be in mission, through our ministry of making disciples for Christ.
Welcome to Cornerstone Community Church – a United Methodist Church
Grace and Peace Members and Friends of Cornerstone Community Church!
The Reverend Rubén Rivera-Martinez
My beloved brothers and sisters, I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord. I hope that in this new time in which autumn invites us to renew ourselves and let go, we can allow the Holy Spirit of God to make each new thing in our lives. Autumn time is a time where we also celebrate the blessings we have received during the year. So as we have received we are called to share how much God has given us. I invite you during this time to allow the Holy Spirit of God to give you the opportunity to serve and give thanks for being able to serve. Our community within the church and outside the church needs men and women, youth and children who continue the task of giving by grace what they have received by grace. Certainly after autumn comes winter so perhaps we can see this time as a time of stillness and waiting. But then spring will come and with it comes the strength of renewal and the desire to share. Let’s not miss the opportunity to bless, love and do mercy. I invite you to be the hands, the eyes, the mouth, the ears, the feet of Christ. That we can enjoy this new time that the Lord has given us as a family, with the church and with our neighbor. God bless you.
Online, By Phone, Let’s Praise.

10 AM Sunday Worship – Bilingual
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The Rev. Rubén Rivera-Martinez
My beloved brothers and sisters, I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord. I hope that in this new time in which autumn invites us to renew ourselves and let go, we can allow the Holy Spirit of God to make each new thing in our lives. Autumn time is a time where we also celebrate the blessings we have received during the year. So as we have received we are called to share how much God has given us. I invite you during this time to allow the Holy Spirit of God to give you the opportunity to serve and give thanks for being able to serve. Our community within the church and outside the church needs men and women, youth and children who continue the task of giving by grace what they have received by grace. Certainly after autumn comes winter so perhaps we can see this time as a time of stillness and waiting. But then spring will come and with it comes the strength of renewal and the desire to share. Let’s not miss the opportunity to bless, love and do mercy. I invite you to be the hands, the eyes, the mouth, the ears, the feet of Christ. That we can enjoy this new time that the Lord has given us as a family, with the church and with our neighbor. God bless you.
Do no harm. Do Good. Stay in love with God.
– John Wesley, founder of Methodism
Let Us Do Good

Prayer – Study – Fellowship
The Heart of our Spiritual Journey
A deep relationship with God grow us in faith, character perseverance, and maturity.
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United in Spirit